Monday, November 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Chloe has been having so much fun in pre-school. She made this darling turkey for Mom and Dad. We are so proud of you. You are growing up so fast and you're so smart! We thought this was the perfect message to send everyone for thanksgiving. We have so much to be thankful for..Our beautiful kids, The Lord for always protecting us and always being mindful of us. Our Families they have saved us so many times in the past three years they are always at our beck n call and ready to step in with all our (my) health problems. And I'm most especially thankful for my dear sweet husband and the Priesthood power he holds and exercises in our home. We are so blessed!

Chloe also made this at preschool and is going to eat her Thanksgiving dinner off of it :)
She has a darling poem that goes with it... The turkey is a funny bird, it's head goes wobble, wobble. But all it knows is just one word GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!

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